Content repurposing: How to turn an image into an engaging article

Content repurposing is a strategy to turn old content into new formats, helping you reach a broader audience. Follow these tips to turn an image into an engaging article and maximize the impact of your content.

By:Leo Tolstoy

Published on : 2024-09-19, Last-Update: 19-09-24

Reviewed by: Leo Tolstoy

Table of Contents

Assume that you’re a college professor who made a presentation on PowerPoint on a “technology topic.” Later, you can use this same presentation for video content, a blog, or an infographic. 

Changing the old content into different other content forms is more attractive and understandable by different people. That's what content repurposing is! It reuses or renews the old content with a new makeover. 

According to, a huge 94% of marketers repurpose their content. The remaining 6% plan to include it in their marketing strategy in the future.

In this post, I will share what content repurposing is. Why do we need to repurpose blog content? And different steps to turn an image into an engaging article. So let’s get started!

What is content repurposing?

Content repurposing is the skill of reusing old content to create something new. In simple words, it is the recycling of earlier-made content. 

Content is repurposed in various ways, such as turning a podcast into a video and then a short clip. Or converting a guidebook into an article and then a social media post. 

"Repurposing content is not about recycling old material; it's about presenting it in a new and exciting way."

There are several ways of doing this for different purposes but the main element remains the same: "repurposing.” Let’s begin!

Why do we need to repurpose blog content?

Every marketer or individual wants to increase their brand awareness or potential leads. Content curation is a valuable thing for you. 

With this, you can create different forms of the same content for different audiences. Content reusing provides multiple benefits, which I have mentioned below: 

1. Builds your authority and reaches a wider audience 

Imagine you're a professional in a specific niche, like writing or baking. When you share your knowledge and expertise with others, you're building your authority in that niche. 

People will start paying attention to your thoughts and opinions as you will be the industry leader in it. 

As your authority grows, more people will be interested in what you say. This means you can reach a wider audience and share your ideas with more people. 

For example, you write an article that is only published on a website and can reach a specific number of audiences. But by repurposing that article, you can recreate a social media post or an infographic. 

With this, you reach a whole new audience who may not have found you or your content before. The more you share valuable content and insights in different content forms, the more you build your authority in it.

By building your authority and reaching a wider audience, you will achieve your goals, whether it's becoming a successful influencer, getting a better job, or simply making a positive impact on the world.

2. Saves you time and efforts 

My mother, who is a housewife, last night made us chicken steak. She spent hours making that dish for us. After dinner, there were some leftovers. 

So the next day she made pasta out of the left-over chicken. Instead of starting from scratch to make today’s dinner, she reused yesterday's leftovers to make a new one. 

This is the same as content reuse. Below are some ways content repurposing can save you time and effort:

  • No need to start from scratch: Reuse existing content to create new formats.
  • Less research required: You've already done the research for your original content.
  • Faster content creation: Rewrite the content or create new content by repurposing existing material.

3. Improves user engagement 

Not everyone consumes content the same way; some prefer reading, while others like videos or infographics. Content repurposing improves user engagement because it allows you to reach your audience in different formats and platforms.

Imagine you're a YouTuber making videos in a gaming niche. If your videos are boring, viewers will not show any sort of engagement with your content. 

But if your videos are interesting, interactive, and relevant, viewers will be more engaged and likely to watch more. This is what "improves user engagement" means. 

When something is engaging, it keeps people interested and involved. In the above scenario, you can use content curation or repurposing as well. 

Like if you have made a video on the topic “Build Battle Minecraft,” use this same video as a context for a live stream or make a short highlight reel out of it for your social platforms. 

Also, create a reaction video on the same one or make a behind-the-scenes video. Content repurposing provides you with plenty of ideas with led efforts, costs, and time. 

Here are some specific ways content repurposing improves user engagement:

  • Provide for different preferences.
  • Make your content more accessible.
  • Create a more engaging experience.

4 steps to turn an image into an engaging article

Turning an image into an article is part of content reuse, which involves some steps to do. Here, I have discussed all the steps that you will need to reuse the content. 

1. Analyze the image

Analyzing the image is the core component of turning an image into an engaging article. As per referralrock, the majority, 69%, of marketers reused content by turning it into an infographic. 

For this, you have to take care of the following questions while analyzing an image: 

  • What do I see? Is it a person, a place, or a thing?
  • How does it make me feel? Does it make me happy, sad, scared, or excited?
  • What is happening in the image? Is there a story or a message?

After answering these questions, identify the main subject, idea, or image. Like whether it is entertaining, sad, or horror. Learn about its context in detail and make a story in your mind related to that object or person so you can do better in the next steps. 

2. Brainstorm a title for it

After analyzing the image, you need to brainstorm the ideal title for it. Make sure the title catches the user's attention, as it will be the first interaction of your audience with your content. 

As per the Content Marketing Institute, nearly half of content marketers use AI to brainstorm new topics, and 46% use it to research headlines and keywords. 

Create a title that matches the central idea of the image. For this, you use the following elements for better understanding and formation of a nice title: 

  • Create a central theme
  • Develop supporting points
  • Know about the audience
  • Grab user attention 
  • Use targeted keywords 

3. Write an attractive introduction

Assume that you’re a marketer and want to sell your client's services or goods. So for this, you will try your best to gain the user's attention and persuade them to buy it. 

Writing an attractive introduction is the same as this. Here you also write it for the reader to engage. You create a hook in the introduction to keep the reader. 

Then, you introduce the main statement in the context of the image. For assistance in creating paragraphs with an attractive introduction, consider using an online tool like an AI paragraph generator

Below are the things you need to follow while writing an attractive introduction:

  • Hook the reader 
  • Maintain the interest of the reader throughout
  • Use strong verbs 
  • Avoid jargon
  • Keep it concise and simple

4. Create paragraphs with hooks and information in them

We all have experienced cousin’s or friend’s nights out where we tell horror stories to each other. There we try our best to keep them all engaged and excited. That's where hooks and information come in. 

Hooks are the exciting things and plots in a body paragraph or story that amuse the reader till the end. Information is the key to the whole thing. They are the facts, details, and explanations that bring your story to life. 

You can also use AI to create paragraphs with hooks and information or use images as visual aids. These can provide extra supporting details about the content. The image will help connect with the main argument or point of the paragraph.

Here are the things that you need to take care of while writing paragraphs: 

  • Start with a hook.
  • Easy and readable sentence structure.
  • Provide relevant details.
  • End with a conclusion line or list of the paragraph.

To sum up, with all the things mentioned earlier, I have also created an engaging article through an image. As discussed above, I analyzed the image, brainstormed different sorts of titles, and wrote a tempting introduction for the reader. 

And at last, I created paragraphs one by one with hooks and information. I utilized all the key points step by step to achieve the goal. 


Content repurposing is a powerful technique for expanding the reach of your content. You turn a simple blog post into a podcast. Then into a video. Finally, it becomes a short or a reel. 

This reaches a wider audience; for content repurposing, which uses all forms of content. It also improves your search rankings, reaches a new audience, and establishes your authority in your field. 

The guidelines in this article help you create high-quality content. So, the next time you have an image that catches your eye, don't let it go to waste. Repurpose it into an engaging article and watch your audience grow.

Start repurposing images today and watch your engagement soar!

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